Static Voltage Stabilizer; are the devices of voltage control, protection and management which are microprocessor controlled, and which have high speed semiconductor technology. They are adjusted to the right voltage value required by industrial devices that are fast growing and that are becoming more sensitive; and they are designed to meet their continuous, settled and secure energy needs.
Voltage Stabilizer, which can be produced in a very wide input voltage interval for places where grid voltages drop or rise excessively, evaluates grid voltage decreases and increases in 0.020 seconds when the main grid voltage drops -60% or rise +40% and corrects with 500V/sec. Speed. By this means, your high-cost industrial devices are protected against dangerous voltage changes and also it enables your systems to work with high efficiency and without interruption.
Static Voltage Stabilizer is designed with its compact, aesthetic and modular structure, in such a way that it can be easily connected with electric systems everywhere in the world. “BUS-BAR PANEL INPUT-OUTPUT MODULE” which is required for direct connection can be added to BUS BAR systems optionally on request. Information such as Input Voltage, Output Voltage, and Load Amount etc. can be viewed; breakdown and warning information can be followed on LCD DISPLAY which is standard in TSVR SVS. One may reach devices over on the web, view all information on LCD DISPLAY and change setting values of the device with “REMOTE VIEWING AND MANAGEMENT”.
Static Voltage Stabilizer has High Voltage, Low Voltage, Over-temperature, Overload, Short Circuit and Phase Break protections for its own operating safety and also for all electronic devices in your business to work safely. There is a “Manual By-pass” unit which enables the loads to be transferred directly to network voltage for providing usage flexibility and working safety. It is equipped with thermomagnetic fuses in its input and output terminals